Our membership is open to a wide variety of partners, including associations, CSOs, NGOs, tobacco control tobacco harm reduction advocates.
THR Uganda is a tobacco harm reduction advocacy and awareness campaign based in Kampala - Uganda. Their core mandate is to end cigarette smoking and save smokers lives by creating awareness of existing safer nicotine alternatives.
THR Nigeria’s mission is to provide complete unbiased information to smokers in Nigeria on low risk alternatives to smoking, in order to make sound and informed choices based on this information.
THR Nigeria is a scholarship project under the Knowledge-Action-Change (KAC) Scholarship Program Scheme, which focuses on promoting safer alternative by providing truthful, transparent information to smokers and the public generally, with the focus of switching where they cannot quit smoking.
They trust that the population living in Congo and the DRC, have the right to access information and share knowledge regarding the use of tobacco, the health risks and consequences that comes with it, and the health benefit of quitting or switching to safer alternatives.
DRT-THR Burkina est un projet numérique qui se consacre à l'information et la sensibilisation du publique à propos des alternatives du tabac réputées moins nocives. Créé à partir des expériences réussies dans d'autres pays d'Afrique, DRT-THR Burkina veut devenir une plateforme de référence nationale en ce qui concerne les stratégies de diminution des risques du tabagisme (DRT) basées sur l'état de l'art et les connaissances scientifiques actuels de la nicotine.
THR-SL is a National Awareness campaign to help smokers quit and to raise awareness of the health risks associated with smoking, based in Sierra Leone.