We use our platform to provide information on the state of tobacco in Africa, smoking associated harms and scientifically proven harm reduction strategies. In order to improve the implementation and understanding of tobacco harm reduction, we raise awareness of research and its implications for public health policy, to enable consumers to make more informed personal health choices.
We carry out a sustained effort to educate individuals and boost public awareness about nicotine and harm reduction, and how safer alternatives can end smoking in Africa. Building awareness with the general public is an important first step.
For the most part, the general public is unaware of the extent and complexity of the problem, including the impact on health care and the general public. Secondly, majority of smokers and general public are unaware of safer alternatives that can greatly impact the fight against smoking. The general public target audience consists of the general public at large, cigarette smokers, policy makers and medical practitioners.
Our awareness-raising efforts include: issuing press releases, briefings and commentaries; disseminating reports, studies and publications; making written or oral submissions; working with the media; holding public meetings and events; convening conferences and workshops; and creating and contributing to educational materials.
Part of our awareness campaigns involves hosting tobacco harm reduction forums across the continent to disseminate knowledge from the global public health perspective about nicotine and tobacco harm reduction and raise awareness and debate about the concept of tobacco harm reduction.
We carry out a sustained effort to educate individuals and boost public awareness about nicotine and harm reduction, and how safer alternatives can end smoking in Africa. Building awareness with the general public is an important first step.
For the most part, the general public is unaware of the extent and complexity of the problem, including the impact on health care and the general public. Secondly, majority of smokers and general public are unaware of safer alternatives that can greatly impact the fight against smoking. The general public target audience consists of the general public at large, cigarette smokers, policy makers and medical practitioners.
Our awareness-raising efforts include: issuing press releases, briefings and commentaries; disseminating reports, studies and publications; making written or oral submissions; working with the media; holding public meetings and events; convening conferences and workshops; and creating and contributing to educational materials.
Part of our awareness campaigns involves hosting tobacco harm reduction forums across the continent to disseminate knowledge from the global public health perspective about nicotine and tobacco harm reduction and raise awareness and debate about the concept of tobacco harm reduction.